Canon Infinix CT-880B Hybrid OR Table Extender - Part 9434
Canon Infinix CT-880B Hybrid OR Table Extender
Product Highlights:
- Carbon fiber extender specifically designed for the Canon Infinix CAT-880B hybrid catheterization table.
- Widens the table for a variety of procedures.
- Creates a flat clamping surface that is compatible with various surgical devices
- Increases operating room efficiency by allowing for quick conversion of operating rooms.
- Quick and easy setup and teardown
- Radiolucent
- Easily cleaned
Product Details:
Packaging: 1 EA
Dimensions: 22"W x 51.33"L
Substrate: Carbon Fiber
Sterile: N
Latex Free: Y
Single Use: N
Returnable: Return Policy Applies
Cleaning Guide: Cleaning Guide Recommendations
If item is not in stock at time of order, lead time is 10 - 12 weeks.
More About This Product:
The Domico Med-Device Canon Infinix CAT-880B Hybrid OR Table Extender is a carbon fiber extender crafted specifically for the Canon Infinix CAT-880B hybrid catheterization table. This extender widens the table, making it suitable for a range of procedures, and provides a flat clamping surface compatible with various surgical devices. It boosts operating room efficiency by facilitating rapid conversions, with quick and easy setup and teardown. The extender is radiolucent, ensuring no obstruction to imaging, and can be easily cleaned, enhancing its practicality and reliability in the operating room.
Read More:
- Cath Lab, Hybrid OR, Interventional, Interventional X-Ray, Operating Room, Vascular
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